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Converting a PHP Extension to HHVM

In a previous post I wrote about converting a PHP 5 extension to PHP 7. This article is about converting that same PHP 5 extension to work with HHVM.

The code changes to get things working were not very large – mostly just stylistic tidying to make the C++ compiler happy – but I found the process much more difficult than the PHP 7 conversion just due to unfamiliarity with HHVM and its uneven documentation.

Because building HHVM itself is such a time-consuming beast, I chose to implement my module as a dynamic extension in the style of the DSO test example.

You can see the complete diff here.

The changes boil down to the following:

Once I had the module compiling, though, it took me a while to get the code properly running in HHVM. In one of those “confusing at the time but obvious in retrospect” situations, the solution is that for my module (which is both dynamic and making use of the Zend Engine compatibility later, HHVM needs to be run with both the -d hhvm.enable_zend_compat=true and the DynamicExtensions.0=/path/to/ arguments for the module to be loaded and initialized. With just DynamicExtensions.0=/path/to/, the module is loaded, but not initialized properly.

Even still, I had trouble getting the built-in test runner to recognize what I thought were the right incantations for per-test-suite configuration options, so I just added my necessary options to the test runner explicitly.

Having figured out the configuration mumbo-jumbo, any future extension conversions to HHVM will go much quicker. However, given the nature of HHVM, I would be curious to see a performance comparison between an in-PHP version of this code benefitting from HHVM’s JIT compilation and the in-C version. Performance was the initial reason for writing this extension in C in the first place so it would be interesting to see if HHVM’s compilation makes that path obsolete.

Tagged with software , php