...composed of an indefinite, perhaps infinite number of hexagonal galleries...

© 1994-2017. David Sklar. All rights reserved.


We launched Ning yesterday – a playground for building and using social applications.

I’m very excited to have this out and about now for experimentation and use. It’s been incredibly fun to build and noodle on the consequences as we built it, but I suspect the feedback we now get from users and developers as well as the apps that new developers build will create an even bigger wave of neat ideas.

Working with such a spectacular team of folks has been (and continues to be!) a thrill. (As well as with all the spectacular folks who don’t have blogs to link to.)

If you don’t know PHP, dive in and clone existing apps to get your own social apps up and running in seconds. If you do know PHP, use our PHP API and components to build a cool new app in (slightly more) seconds.

Plenty post-launch cleanup and coordination to do (as well as absorb all of the nice traffic from /.,, digg, MeFi, boingboing, etc.) but I’ll have plenty more to say in the coming days, weeks, and months.

Tagged with software , php , 24hl